Bouquet of Orange Lilies

The Orange Lily Bouquet is an explosion of vibrant colors and energy. These bold lilies express passion and vitality. It is a majestic flower that exudes a sweet and unique fragrance. A sign of nobility, it is very often requested for weddings. Let yourself be seduced by the intensity of these shades. Order them today for fast delivery to Geneva and add a touch of dynamism to your space.


Flower Care

Lilies need plenty of water to keep well. The stem must be immersed as much as possible in water. For this reason, we recommend that you place your bouquet of Lilies in tall vases. Change the water every 2 days, with fresh water, a clean vase and a small drop of bleach. It is very important that the stem end of the fleur-de-lis be cut to a long bevel. This allows better water absorption.

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